About Us

Technology Faculties, which have a different structure than the other faculties with their innovations in the field of education and training, were established with the decision of the Council of Ministers published in the Official Gazette dated 13.11.2009 and numbered 27405.

Our faculty, which started to accept students in 2010-2011 academic year, continues its education with 3 Engineering Programs: Woodworking Industrial Engineering, Information Systems Engineering and Energy Systems Engineering.

Our Faculty accepts students from two different group: General High Schools and Vocational and Technical High Schools (MTOK). 

The Faculty of Technology differs from other faculties with its educational structure. In our faculty, a university-industry cooperation-oriented education (7 + 1 Education Model) is being implemented. In this model, in order to educate our students as “Engineers with High Application Skills”, students take theoretical and practical courses in the school during the education period and combined with direct experience in the industry. For this purpose, our curriculum has organized 7 semesters as theoretical and practical courses at school and 1 semester as practice in the industry.

In addition, the education process supported by a 60-day compulsory summer internship provides a significant benefit in increasing the work experience of our students.